All Implemented Interfaces:
RootVertex, Vertex, Serializable

public class VertexImpl1
extends RootVertexImpl1
implements Vertex, Serializable
A Vertex points to zero or more other Vertexs (sic), and it is pointed to by at least one other Vertex, unless it is the RootVertex. The VertexType tells one whether the the Vertexs pointed to should be taken together or are alternatives. A Vertex may have an associated RepresentationInformationObject.
06-Sep-2021 15:59:47
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      private static final long serialVersionUID
      To be used when object is serialized
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • m_inwardDirectedEdges

      public ArrayList<DirectedEdge> m_inwardDirectedEdges
      Internal value for the Incoming edges.
    • m_outwardDirectedEdges

      public ArrayList<DirectedEdge> m_outwardDirectedEdges
      Internal value for the Outward edges.
    • m_RepInfoId

      public RepInfoId m_RepInfoId
      Internal value for the pointer to the RepInfo associated with the Vertex.
    • m_vertexType

      public BaseGroup m_vertexType
      The VertexType is RepInfoGroup or one of its sub-types. If it is an OrGroup then any of the available Edges may be followed, but if it is an AndGroup then all the associated Edges must be followed.
  • Constructor Details

    • VertexImpl1

      public VertexImpl1()
  • Method Details

    • getInwardEdges

      public ArrayList<DirectedEdge> getInwardEdges()
      Returns an ArrayList of Edges which end at this Vertex. The elements of the ArrayList can be inspected or added to.
      Specified by:
      getInwardEdges in interface Vertex
      inwardEdges The ArrayList of Edges which end at this Vertex
    • getOutwardEdges

      public ArrayList<DirectedEdge> getOutwardEdges()
      Returns an ArrayList of Edges which start at this Vertex
      Specified by:
      getOutwardEdges in interface Vertex
      outwardEdges The ArrayList of Edges which start at this vertex.
    • getRepInfoId

      public RepInfoId getRepInfoId()
      Return the RepInfoId for the Vertex - or null.
      Specified by:
      getRepInfoId in interface Vertex
      The RepInfoId for the Vertex - or null.
    • setRepInfoId

      public void setRepInfoId​(RepInfoId riid)
      Set the RepInfoId for the Vertex.
      Specified by:
      setRepInfoId in interface Vertex
      riid - The RepInfoId for the Vertex
    • getVertexType

      public BaseGroup getVertexType()
      Get the VertexType - a subtype of RepInfoGroup.
      Specified by:
      getVertexType in interface Vertex
      The VertexType - a subtype of RepInfoGroup.
    • setVertexType

      public void setVertexType​(BaseGroup rig)
      Set the VertexType - a subtype of RepInfoGroup..
      Specified by:
      setVertexType in interface Vertex
      rig - The VertexType - a subtype of RepInfoGroup.