Package info.oais.interfaces.oaisif
This package contains interfaces specifically for OAIS-IF.
The JSON below are simple examples for an InfoPackage and an InfoObject. The only non-OAIS native part if what is called the "AndGroup" and "OrGroup" with the example of the OtherRepInfo where there are 2 separate implementations – C# and Java – and one can choose which to use depending on which programming language is preferred. In this example all the separate parts are referred to by URI, but one could instead put in simple text or an encoded binary object with something like binhex. { "InformationPackage":{ "PackageType":"AIP", "AndGroup":{ // Since this is an InfoPackage all the components must be used "PackageDescription": "This is an example AIP", "Provenance":{"IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":""}, "Reference":{"IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":""}, "AccessRights":{"IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":""}, "Context":{"IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":""}, "Fixity":{"IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":""}, "RepInfo":{"AndGroup":[ {"RICategory":"SemanticsRI", "IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":""}, {"RICategory":"StructureRI", "IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":""}, {"RICategory":"OtherRI", "OrGroup": [ {"RICategory":"OtherRI", "IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":"" }, {"RICategory":"OtherRI", "IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":""} ] } ] } } } { "InformationObject":{ "DataObject":{"IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":""}, "RepInfo": {"IdentifierType":"URI", "Identifier":"",} //This points to an RI Group */ } }
Interface Summary Interface Description Adapter This is the most generic interface for an Adapter.CommunicationGToG Communications interface.Generic2Registry The additional methods used to communicate between a Generic Adapter and a Registry.Generic2Switchboard The additional methods used to communicate between a Generic Adapter and a Switchboard.GenericAdapter The generic adapter interfaceGenericToGenericAdapter These are the methods used to communicate between two Generic Adapters e.g.GenericToSpecificAdapter This interfaces defines the methods used to communicate between the GenericAdapter and its SpecificAdapter.InfoEndPointId The identifier for the endpoint of a communication.PackagedInformation An InformationObject which consists of an InformationPackage (as theDataObject) together with its ReprepresentationInformation.SpecificAdapter The specific adapter interface used by the generic adapter.SpecificSinkToGeneric This interface includes methods to be used when information is to be received.SpecificSourceToGeneric This interface includes methods to be used when information is to be send.