All Classes
Class | Description |
AbstractOaisFactory<T> |
Interface for an Abstract Factory used in this OAIS implementation.
For example one could implement this interface to create InformationObjects or InformationPackages. |
AccessRightsInformation |
The information that identifies the access restrictions pertaining to the
Content Data Object, including the legal framework, licensing terms, and access
AccessRightsInformationImpl1 |
An implementation of AccessRightsInformation which holds the Rights, and the
way in which it is encoded, e.g.
AccessRightsPoss1 |
This is a simple way to provide interfaces methods for AccessRightsInformation.
Action |
The activity which is to be recorded in the Provenance.
ActionImpl1 |
The activity which is to be recorded in the Provenance.
Actor |
An Actor is the entity, system or perons which instigates of performs the Step which is being recorded in the Provenance
ActorImpl1 |
An Actor is the entity, system or perons which instigates of performs the Step which is being recorded in the Provenance
AcyclicDirectedGraph |
This interface provides methods which can be used to navigate a RepInfoNetwork.
AcyclicDirectedGraphImpl1 |
This class provides methods which can be used to navigate a RepInfoNetwork.
Adapter |
This is the most generic interface for an Adapter.
AndGroup |
All the elements of a AndGroup must be used together to be useful.
ArchivalInformationCollection |
An Archival Information Package whose Content Information is an aggregation of
other Archival Information Packages.; its PDI must include a description of the
collection criteria and process.
ArchivalInformationPackage |
An Information Package, consisting of the Content Information and the
associated Preservation Description Information (PDI), which is preserved
within an OAIS.
ArchivalInformationPackageImpl1 |
An implementation of Archival Information Package.
ArchivalInformationUnit |
An Archival Information Package where the Content Information does not include
any other Archival Information Packages.
ArchivalInformationUnitImpl1 |
An implementation of an AIU.
BaseGroup |
Group of RepresentationInformation, which includes the associated classification.
BaseGroupImpl1 |
Object as a Group, each of which may have a category e.g.
CollectionDescription |
A type of Package Description that is specialized to provide information about an Archival Information Collection
(or an Access Collection) for use by Access Aids [OAIS].
CommunicationGToG |
Communications interface.
ContentInformation |
A set of information that is the original target of preservation.
ContentInformationImpl1 |
ContentInformation is A set of information that is the original target of preservation.
ContextInformation |
The information that documents the relationships of the Content Data Object to
its environment.
ContextInformationImpl1 |
An implementation of ContextInformation as a String.
DataObject |
Either a Physical Object or a Digital Object.
DataObjectId |
An Identifier which points to a DataObject.
DataObjectIdImpl1 | |
DataObjectImpl1 |
An implementation of a DataObject - which could be a PhysicalObject or a DigitalObject.
DescriptiveInformation |
An Information Object which is a set of information, consisting primarily of
Package Descriptions, which is provided to Data Management to support the
finding, ordering, and retrieving of OAIS information holdings by Consumers.
DescriptiveInformationImpl1 |
An implementation of DescriptibeInformation as a String.
DigitalObject |
An object composed of a set of bit sequences.
DigitalObjectId |
An Identifier which points to a DataObject.
DigitalObjectIdImpl1 |
An Identifier which points to a DigitalObject.
DigitalObjectImpl1 |
An implementation of a DigitalObject as a Set of InputStreams
DirectedEdge |
Each edge has exactly one Source Vertex and one Target Vertex.
DirectedEdgeImpl1 |
Each edge has exactly one Source Vertex and one Target Vertex.
DisseminationInformationPackage |
An Information Package, derived from one or more AIPs, and sent by Archives to
the Consumer in response to a request to the OAIS.
DisseminationInformationPackageImpl1 |
An implementation of a DIP - no additional methods.
FixityEncoding |
This interfaces provides details of the encoding of the fixity e.g.
FixityEncodingImpl1 |
This interfaces provides details of the encoding of the fixity e.g.
FixityEntry |
This interface collects the details of a hash text, time it was created and algorithm.
FixityEntryImpl1 |
This interface collects the details of how for example what algorithm is used to create a hash value.
FixityInformation |
The information which documents the mechanisms that ensure that the Content
Data Object has not been altered in an undocumented manner.
FixityInformationImpl1 |
This interface provides a possible set of details for Fixity as an ArrayList of FixityEntries.
FixityText |
This interfaces provides access the characters which make up the hash for example.
FixityTextImpl1 |
This interfaces provides access the characters which make up the hash for example.
Generic2Registry |
The additional methods used to communicate between a Generic Adapter and a
Generic2Switchboard |
The additional methods used to communicate between a Generic Adapter and a
GenericAdapter |
The generic adapter interface
GenericToGenericAdapter |
These are the methods used to communicate between two Generic Adapters e.g.
GenericToSpecificAdapter |
This interfaces defines the methods used to communicate between the GenericAdapter and its SpecificAdapter.
Identifier |
An identifier is a name that identifies (that is, labels the identity of)
either a unique object or a unique class of objects, where the "object" or
class may be an idea, physical countable object (or class thereof), or physical
noncountable substance (or class thereof).
IdentifierImpl1 |
An implementation of an Identifier as a URI.
InfoEndPointId |
The identifier for the endpoint of a communication.
InfoObjectId |
An Identifier which points to an InformationObject.
InfoObjectIdImpl1 |
An Identifier which points to an InformationObject.
InformationObject |
A Data Object together with its Representation Information [OAIS]
Information: Any type of knowledge that can be exchanged.
InformationObjectFactory |
An implementation of the AbstractOaisFactory interface to create OAIS information objects.
For example
ProvenanceInformation pi = (ProvenanceInformation)InformationObjectFactory.create("ProvenanceInformation");
InformationObjectImpl1 |
An implementation of an OAIS InformationObject.
InformationPackage |
A logical container composed of optional Information Object(s).
InformationPackageFactory |
An implementation of the AbstractOaisFactory interface to create OAIS Information Package.
The returned Object must be cast into the appropriate subtype. |
InformationPackageImpl1 |
An implementation of InformationPackage.
JsonSerialiser |
JsonSerialiser - to keep all code in one place.
Location |
An Identifier which points to the location of an object, which may be a
physical object..
LocationImpl1 |
An Identifier which points to the location of an object, which may be a
physical object..
OrGroup |
The elements of a OrGroup are alternatives.
OtherRepInfo |
A type of Representation Information which cannot easily be classified as
Structure Representation Information or Semantic Representation Information.
OtherRepInfoImpl1 |
An implementation of OtherRepInfo - no additional methods.
PackageDescription |
The information intended for use by Access Aids.
PackageDescriptionImpl1 |
An implementation of PackageDescription as a String.
PackagedInformation |
An InformationObject which consists of an InformationPackage (as theDataObject)
together with its ReprepresentationInformation.
PackagingInformation |
The information that describes how the components of an Information Package are
logically or physically bound together and how to identify and extract the
PackagingInformationImpl1 |
An implementation of PackagingInformation as a type of RepInfo.
PersistentIdentifier |
A long-lasting Identifier.
PersistentIdentifierImpl1 |
An implementation of PersistentIdentifier - no additional methods.
PhysicalObject |
An object (such as a moon rock, bio-specimen, microscope slide) with physically
observable properties that represent information that is considered suitable
for being adequately documented for preservation, distribution, and independent
PhysicalObjectImpl1 |
An implementation of PhysicalObject
PreservationDescriptionInformation |
The information, which along with Representation Information, is
necessary for adequate preservation of the Content Data Object and which can be
categorized as Provenance Information, Context Information, Reference
Information, Fixity Information, and Access Rights Information.
PreservationDescriptionInformationImpl1 |
An implementation of PDI as a container for the components.
ProvenanceInformation |
The information that documents the history of the Content Data Object.
ProvenanceInformationImpl1 |
An implementation of Provenance as an ArrayList of ProvenanceSteps.
ProvenanceStep |
The ProvenanceStep has the Actor, Step and TimeStamp of the activity to be recorded in the Provenance.
ProvenanceStepImpl1 |
The ProvenanceStep has the Actor, Step and TimeStamp of the activity to be recorded in the Provenance.
ReferenceInformation |
The information that is used as an identifier for the Content Data Object.
ReferenceInformationImp11 |
An implementation of ReferenceInformation as an array of Identifiers.
ReferenceInt1 |
The Reference Information is here represented as an array of Identifiers, for example using differenct PID systems.
RepInfoAndGroup |
All the elements of a ReInfoAndGroup must be used together to be useful.
RepInfoCategory |
A classification of RepInfo to facilitate locating the kind of RepInfo wanted.
RepInfoCategoryImpl1 |
A classification of RepInfo [TBD] to facilitate locating the kind of RepInfo
RepInfoGroup |
Group of RepresentationInformation, which includes the associated classification.
RepInfoGroupImpl1 |
RepresentationInformation as a Group, each of which may have a category e.g.
RepInfoId |
An Identifier which points to a RepresentationInformation Object.
RepInfoIdImpl1 |
An Identifier which points to a RepresentationInformation Object.
RepInfoNetworkId |
An Identifier which points to a RepresentationInformationNetwork Object.
RepInfoOrGroup |
The elements of a RepInfoOrGroup are alternatives.
RepresentationInformation |
The information that maps a Data Object into more meaningful concepts so that
the Data Object may be understood in ways exemplified by Preservation
RepresentationInformationImpl1 |
An implementation of RepInfo - no additional methods yet - TODO.
RepresentationInformationNetwork |
The set of Representation Information that fully describes the meaning of a
Data Object.
RepresentationInformationNetworkImpl1 |
This is RepresentationInformation which can contain a RepresentationInformationNetwork (RIN).
RootVertex |
The unique root Vertex of the acyclic directed graph.
RootVertexImpl1 |
The root Vertex of the graph.
SemanticRepInfo |
The Representation Information that further describes the meaning of the Data
Object, and its parts or elements, beyond that provided by the Structure
Representation Information.
SemanticRepInfoImpl1 |
An implementation of SemanticRepInfo - no additional methods yet.
SpecificAdapter |
The specific adapter interface used by the generic adapter.
SpecificSinkToGeneric |
This interface includes methods to be used when information is to be received.
SpecificSourceToGeneric |
This interface includes methods to be used when information is to be send.
StructureRepInfo |
The Representation Information that imparts information about the arrangement
of and the organization of the parts or elements of the Data Object.
StructureRepInfoImpl1 |
An implementation of StructureRepInfo - no additional methods yet.
SubmissionInformationPackage |
An Information Package that is delivered by the Producer to the OAIS for use in
the construction or update of one or more AIPs and/or the associated
Descriptive Information.
SubmissionInformationPackageImpl1 |
An implementation of an SIP - no additional methods.
TimeStamp |
The time of the Step, which may include a duration, time system etc.
TimeStampImpl1 |
The time of the Step, which may include a duration, time system etc.
UniquePersistentIdentifier |
A Persistent Identifier which is unique within a specific naming convention.
UniquePersistentIdentifierImpl1 |
An implementation of a Unique Persistent Identifier - no additional methods.
Vertex |
A Vertex points to zero or more other Vertexs (sic), and it is pointed to by at
least one other Vertex, unless it is the RootVertex.
VertexImpl1 |
A Vertex points to zero or more other Vertexs (sic), and it is pointed to by at
least one other Vertex, unless it is the RootVertex.