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- Generic2Registry - Interface in info.oais.interfaces.oaisif
The additional methods used to communicate between a Generic Adapter and a Registry.
- Generic2Switchboard - Interface in info.oais.interfaces.oaisif
The additional methods used to communicate between a Generic Adapter and a Switchboard.
- GenericAdapter - Interface in info.oais.interfaces.oaisif
The generic adapter interface
- GenericToGenericAdapter - Interface in info.oais.interfaces.oaisif
These are the methods used to communicate between two Generic Adapters e.g.
- GenericToSpecificAdapter - Interface in info.oais.interfaces.oaisif
This interfaces defines the methods used to communicate between the GenericAdapter and its SpecificAdapter.
- getAccessRightsInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformationImpl1
Get the AccessInformation in the PDI.
- getAccessRightsInformation() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformation
Get the AccessInformation in the PDI.
- getAction() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1Provenance.ProvenanceStepImpl1
Get the Action involved in the activity.
- getAction() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1Provenance.ProvenanceStep
Get the Action involved in the activity.
- getActor() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1Provenance.ProvenanceStepImpl1
Get the Actor involved in the activity.
- getActor() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1Provenance.ProvenanceStep
Get the Actor involved in the activity.
- getAIP(DataObjectId, InfoEndPointId) - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.oaisif.GenericToGenericAdapter
Get the AIP for the DataObject
- getArchivalInformationPackage() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.ArchivalInformationCollection
Get the array of AIPs which the AIC contains.
- getCategory() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.RepInfoCategoryImpl1
Returns the category as a String.
- getCategory() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.RepresentationInformationImpl1
- getCategory() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.RepInfoCategory
Returns the category as a String.
- getCategory() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.RepresentationInformation
Get the Category associated with this RepInfo.
- getCollectionDescription() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.ArchivalInformationCollection
Get the CollectionDescription for the AIC.
- getConnectedRIDO(DataObjectId, InfoEndPointId) - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.oaisif.GenericToGenericAdapter
Get the identifiers for the Representation Information which are immediately connected to the DataObject.
The - getContentInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.ArchivalInformationPackageImpl1
Get the ContentInformation in the AIP.
- getContentInformation() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.ArchivalInformationPackage
Get the ContentInformation in the AIP.
- getContextInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.ContextInformationImpl1
Method to get the ContextInfo as String.
- getContextInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformationImpl1
Get the ContextInformation in the PDI.
- getContextInformation() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformation
Get the ContextInformation in the PDI.
- getDataObject() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.identifiers.DigitalObjectIdImpl1
Get the DataObject.
- getDataObject() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.InformationObjectImpl1
Get the DataObject of the InformationObject.
- getDataObject() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.identifiers.DigitalObjectId
Get the DataObject.
- getDataObject() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.InformationObject
Get the DataObject of the InformationObject.
- getDataObjectId() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.identifiers.InfoObjectIdImpl1
Get the ID for the DataObject.
- getDataObjectId() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.InformationObjectImpl1
Method to get the DataObjectId.
- getDataObjectId() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.identifiers.InfoObjectId
Get the ID for the DataObject.
- getDateTime() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1Provenance.TimeStampImpl1
Return the DateTime.
- getDateTime() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1Provenance.TimeStamp
Return the DateTime.
- getDigital() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.DigitalObjectImpl1
- getDigitalObject() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.DataObjectImpl1
Get the DigitalObject (if any) which makes up the DataObject.
- getDigitalObject() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.DataObject
Get the DigitalObject (if any) which makes up the DataObject.
- getEntries() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.FixityInformationImpl1
Get the ArrayList of FixityEntries.
- getFixityDateTime() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1Fixity.FixityEntryImpl1
Return the FixityDateTime.
- getFixityDateTime() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1Fixity.FixityEntry
Return the FixityDateTime.
- getFixityEncoding() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1Fixity.FixityEntryImpl1
Return the FixityEncoding.
- getFixityEncoding() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1Fixity.FixityEntry
Return the FixityEncoding.
- getFixityInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformationImpl1
Get the FixityInformation in the PDI.
- getFixityInformation() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformation
Get the FixityInformation in the PDI.
- getFixityText() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1Fixity.FixityEntryImpl1
Return the FixityText.
- getFixityText() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1Fixity.FixityEntry
Return the FixityText.
- getGroup() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.BaseGroupImpl1
Get the InfoGroup for the vertex.
- getGroup() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.RepInfoGroupImpl1
Get the InfoGroup for the vertex.
- getGroup() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.BaseGroup
Get the Group for the vertex.
- getGroup() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.RepInfoGroup
Get the Group for the vertex.
- getIdentifier() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.DataObjectImpl1
- getIdentifier() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.InformationObjectImpl1
Method to get the InfoObjectId.
- getIdentifier() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.InformationPackageImpl1
Method to get the InfoPackageId.
- getIdentifier() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.DataObject
Get the Identifier for the DataObject
- getIdentifier() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.InformationObject
Method to get the InfoObjectId.
- getIdentifier() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.InformationPackage
Method to get the InfoPackage.
- getInfoObject(InfoObjectId, InfoEndPointId) - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.oaisif.GenericToGenericAdapter
- getInformationObject() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.InformationPackageImpl1
Return the InformationObject in the package.
- getInformationObject() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.InformationPackage
Return the InformationObject in the package.
- getInwardEdges() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.VertexImpl1
Returns an ArrayList of Edges which end at this Vertex.
- getInwardEdges() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.Vertex
Returns an ArrayList of Edges which end at this Vertex
- getLocation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.identifiers.LocationImpl1
Returns the location.
- getLocation() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.identifiers.Location
Returns the location.
- getOutwardEdges() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.VertexImpl1
Returns an ArrayList of Edges which start at this Vertex
- getOutwardEdges() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.Vertex
Returns an ArrayList of Edges which start at this Vertex
- getPackageDescription() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.ArchivalInformationPackageImpl1
- getPackageDescription() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.InformationPackageImpl1
Return the PackageDescription associated with the InformationPackage
- getPackageDescription() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.InformationPackage
Return the PackageDescription associated with the InformationPackage
- getPackagingInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.ArchivalInformationPackageImpl1
- getPackagingInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.InformationPackageImpl1
Return the PackagingInformation associated with the InformationPackage
- getPackagingInformation() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.InformationPackage
Return the PackagingInformation associated with the InformationPackage
- getPDI() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.ArchivalInformationPackageImpl1
Get the ProvenanceDescriptionInformation in the AIP.
- getPDI() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.ArchivalInformationPackage
Get the ProvenanceDescriptionInformation in the AIP.
- getPhysicalObject() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.DataObjectImpl1
Get the PhysicallObject (if any) which makes up the DataObject.
- getPhysicalObject() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.DataObject
Get the PhysicallObject (if any) which makes up the DataObject.
- getProvenanceInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformationImpl1
Get the ProvenanceInformation in the PDI.
- getProvenanceInformation() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformation
Get the ProvenanceInformation in the PDI.
- getReferenceInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformationImpl1
Get the ReferenceInformation in the PDI.
- getReferenceInformation() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.PreservationDescriptionInformation
Get the ReferenceInformation in the PDI.
- getReferences() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.ReferenceInformationImp11
Get the array of identifiers
- getReferences() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1Reference.ReferenceInt1
Get the array of identifiers
- getRepInfo() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.identifiers.RepInfoIdImpl1
Get the RepInfo.
- getRepInfo() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.identifiers.RepInfoId
Get the RepInfo.
- getRepInfo() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.identifiers.RepInfoNetworkId
Get the RepInfo.
- getRepInfoId() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.identifiers.InfoObjectIdImpl1
Get the ID for the RepInfo.
- getRepInfoId() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.InformationObjectImpl1
Method to get the RepInfoId.
- getRepInfoId() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.VertexImpl1
Return the RepInfoId for the Vertex - or null.
- getRepInfoId() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.identifiers.InfoObjectId
Get the ID for the RepInfo.
- getRepInfoId() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.Vertex
Return the RepInfoId for the Vertex - or null.
- getRepInfoNetworkId(DataObjectId, InfoEndPointId) - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.oaisif.GenericToGenericAdapter
Get the identifier for the Representation Information Network for the DataObject
- getRepresentationInformation() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.InformationObjectImpl1
Get the RepresentationInformation of the informationObject.
- getRepresentationInformation() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.InformationObject
Get the RepresentationInformation of the informationObject.
- getRightsEncodingPoss1() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.AccessRightsInformationImpl1
Method to get the RightsEncoding.
- getRightsEncodingPoss1() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1AccessRights.AccessRightsPoss1
Method to get the RightsEncoding.
- getRightsTextPoss1() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.AccessRightsInformationImpl1
Method to get the RightsTextPoss1.
- getRightsTextPoss1() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1AccessRights.AccessRightsPoss1
Method to get the RightsTextPoss1.
- getRootVertex() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.AcyclicDirectedGraphImpl1
Get the RootVertex of the graph.
- getRootVertex() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.RepresentationInformationNetworkImpl1
Get the Root Vertex for the RIN.
- getRootVertex() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.AcyclicDirectedGraph
Get the RootVertex of the graph.
- getSourceVertex() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.DirectedEdgeImpl1
Returns the Vertex from which the Edge starts.
- getSourceVertex() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.DirectedEdge
Returns the Vertex from which the Edge starts.
- getSteps() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.ProvenanceInformationImpl1
Get the ArrayList of ProvenanceSteps to which entries can be added or examined.
- getString() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.ContextInformationImpl1
Get the String for the ContextInfo.
- getString() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.DescriptiveInformationImpl1
Get the DescriptiveInformation as a String.
- getString() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.identifiers.LocationImpl1
Returns the location as a String.
- getString() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.PackageDescriptionImpl1
Get the String for the PackageDescr.
- getString() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.CollectionDescription
Get the CollectionDescription as a String.
- getString() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.ContextInformation
Get the ContextInformation as a String.
- getString() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.DescriptiveInformation
Get the DescriptiveInformation as a String.
- getString() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.identifiers.Location
Returns the location as a String.
- getString() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.PackageDescription
Get the PackageDescription as a String.
- getTargetVertex() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.DirectedEdgeImpl1
Returns the Vertex at which the Edge ends.
- getTargetVertex() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.DirectedEdge
Returns the Vertex at which the Edge ends.
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1Provenance.ProvenanceStepImpl1
Get the TimeStamp of the activity.
- getTimeStamp() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1Provenance.ProvenanceStep
Get the TimeStamp of the activity.
- getType() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.DirectedEdgeImpl1
Returns the type associated with the Edge.
- getType() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.DirectedEdge
Returns the type associated with the Edge.
- getUri() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.identifiers.LocationImpl1
Returns the URI if any.
- getUri() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.identifiers.Location
Returns the URI if any.
- getURI() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.IdentifierImpl1
If available this returns the URI which identifies the object.
- getURI() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.identifiers.DataObjectIdImpl1
Get the URI for the DataObject "return URI for the DataObject
- getURI() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.Identifier
If available this returns the URI which identifies the object.
- getVertexType() - Method in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.VertexImpl1
Get the VertexType - a subtype of RepInfoGroup.
- getVertexType() - Method in interface info.oais.interfaces.infomodel.poss1RepInfo.possRepInfoNetwork.Vertex
Get the VertexType - a subtype of RepInfoGroup.
- group - Variable in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.BaseGroupImpl1
For array of objects
- group - Variable in class info.oais.implementation.infomodel.RepInfoGroupImpl1
For array of objects
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